Finals Week + Holiday Feels

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CurlyPoof's avatar
Hi all.
Ever since my last journal I've wondered what my next topic would be on (all my journals will now consist of me rambling to you guys about things I think about constantly), and I think I've figured it out.
First of all disclaimer: everything I write here is completely my opinion, and should not be taken to heart if you have different views (not that I plan on saying anything that will offend anyone.)

So many students (in America) have to take final exams soon or have already taken them. I have them all this upcoming week. I wanted to talk (more like blab) about it because it's such a big deal for some reason lol. 
I see so many people freaking out about them, my friends that never seem to care about school actually studying and friends that actually care also stressing. "Relatable" posts having to due with stress over finals are posted all over social media, and they make me laugh, but I'm not able to relate as much..? Like I totally want to get a good grade on all my tests and all, but I'm not having a mental breakdown or staying up to study. 
I've even had conversations in my mind about it. One side of me was worrying:
"I think I know I'll do well, but what if I actually don't?"  
But my idgaf side was laughing at the worried side and responded: 
"Well then, I'm screwed. haha. I at least know that I'll pass all my tests with a C or higher. And hey, that's a passing grade!" 
Maybe it's my optimism. Maybe I need to experience more finals weeks. Maybe it's my confidence in my own knowledge that keeps me sane. Sure, I want to get good grades. If I get anything lower than a B, my mom will probably be disappointed and I don't want that, so I do my best. I do my best during class. Not right before the test. That's probably my opinion on why the finals aren't fazing me. 
Here's what I mean in teenager (specifically SoCal teenager) language: 
You just gotta figure that shit out before finals come cause when they arrive and you don't know anything, you're screwed, bruh! ;ovo I apologize for that. 
What I mean is, pay attention in class. Take notes. Do your homework. Stuff all the stuff your teacher's trying to give you into your brain WHILE YOU HAVE TIME. If you don't get it, do whatever you can to learn! Ask questions! Get tutoring! By the time you get it you'll be prepared for finals and probably won't need to study as much! GOSH writing this helped me realize how much I hate lousy time management. If you know you're gonna need to know something for a test in the future, you best get that knowledge as soon as you can! Stress out in smaller loads while you're still learning a concept instead of stressing out constantly day after day until finals are over. That's what I do, and I mean if I still don't get the concept by the test date, well, at least I know other concepts and can hope that there aren't as many questions on the things I don't understand. ;-v- 
Stressing out SUCKS i understand
help yourself out and try to avoid it before it attacks you with full force.

On a lighter, fluffier note, it's holiday season yay Christmas is soon. I will be on winter break at the end this week! 
I kind of want to take Christmas requests, but I don't even know when I'll have time to draw them since teachers will probably give a ton of homework to prepare for finals ghjigofv gdamit 
Well, we'll see. 
Maybe I'll just draw some of my own characters in cute outfits as usual XD
Oh, right, another thing.
On the 26th of this month, I'll be flying to Japan to see my grandparents for like 2 weeks. I had planned to draw/upload over there but yesterday my mom told me that my grandparent's wifi is down and they don't know when they can get it fixed. FMLFMLFML
I'll try to post more stuff before I leave :3 
Maybe even another long-ass journal.
Have a nice day everyone 
i love you
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